Blogger van de maand bij Hulc: Happlify!

Blogger of the month at Hulc: Happlify!

Hulc is a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between bloggers and companies. It offers a unique opportunity to quickly and efficiently find the perfect match to bring your product or service to the attention of a much larger audience. Through their extensive database, businesses can easily connect with bloggers who will boost their SEO and increase their online visibility. Hulc is the place where content creation and influencer marketing come together, resulting in a win-win situation for both parties.

We have been affiliated with Hulc with Happlify for a number of years. And this month we are Blogger of the Month. How cool is that?! I was interviewed for this and you can read the result here .

"How did you come up with the idea to start a blog?

Long before the Corona period arrived, the idea for the Happlify blog & shopping guide emerged. We wanted to create a cheerful online place where people can go for positive news and inspiration. We combined this idea with making our Sell your stuff online (SYSO) customers (high-quality SME web shops) more visible. That has proven to be a beautifully working combination, Happlify is growing well and attracting an ever-growing audience.

I recently discovered that my very first blog post was from 2003, although it was not yet called 'content' and 'blogging'. So I've been working on communities and creating content for that long..." Read more on >

About Happlify

A presence on shopping guide Happlify can be a valuable addition to your marketing strategy. It offers a unique opportunity to expand your reach, target advertising, build brand awareness, and be part of a supportive community. If you're looking for ways to make your online store grow and flourish, definitely consider a spot on Happlify!

Have you become enthusiastic and would you like to know more? Then visit Happlify register your shop and discover how you can take your webshop to the next level. Happy selling!

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