email marketing magic - online course

Double your turnover with your newsletter

The newsletter is the most effective marketing tool. With this course you will learn everything: a converting layout, set-up, keeping readers fascinated, growing your mailing list (by itself), bonus tips with the aim: more turnover.

"How a startup made $1 million in its first 28 days"

Spoiler alert: with email marketing. Not surprising, because with this holy grail you influence the three most important growth multipliers: more customers , more orders and a higher order value . Trust me: this will give your company a mega boost.

NOTE : the complete nurture email series case study of the $1 million startup in question can be found in detail in our course. But: first things first...

You've been dreading it for a while: that newsletter...

There are a lot of practical hassles that hold you back. Because: which system do you choose, how often do you send, what should you write, when do you spam? How do you ensure that you send a newsletter that is appealing and effective and how do you get (the right) audience on the mailing list?

It's logical that it will make you feel a bit dizzy

That is exactly why we developed this course. We know that the newsletter is the basis for good marketing and great turnover. In addition, it offers a huge opportunity to inspire your followers in your own way and make them enthusiastic to continue ordering from you again and again.

It's really true: the newsletter gives you ten (!) times more traffic than all social media combined. That's a lot, right?! Ten times!

The strategy: around the newsletters, an entire year's communication is mapped out in four quarters. The newsletter fits perfectly into the sales funnel and provides good, structured communication with our customers and followers, generating traffic and turnover. I'll just say it again: TEN times more traffic than all social media combined.

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Email Marketing Magic - Online Course


Yes, this tool is also available if you are SYSO VIP

If you choose SYSO VIP , you have all SYSO tools at your disposal, including this tool.

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Email Marketing Magic - Online Course


I am Mariko Naber, founder of SYSO and expert in branding and online marketing. Together with my partner Mark, I have been running the design agency Loaded Ink BNO since 1997, with clients such as Unicef, Mercedes-Benz and Unilever. I also sold a successful jewelry label and webshop, Applepiepieces, in 2017. I wrote the bestseller 'Sell your stuff online' about this, which has now been reprinted five times.

Over the past 20+ years, we discovered strategies and formulas that made our own businesses and those of hundreds of others mega-successful. Our treasure chest of knowledge and experience, critical view of well-trodden paths and BNO membership have made SYSO the ultimate go-to for Dutch and Belgian online entrepreneurs since 2014.

We are happy to help you build a successful business that gives you freedom.

In carefully constructed modules you will be taken along by a genuine newsletter nerd and that is me: Mariko Naber. We developed and sent literally thousands of newsletters for my companies Applepiepieces, Loaded ink BNO , Happlify , SYSO and all our customers.

I would love to take you into the magical world of email marketing and show you step by step how you can make this ingenious marketing tool work to your advantage.

Who is this online course suitable for?

All SYSO tools have been specially developed for the online entrepreneur, webshop owner, coach, service provider, self-employed person and SME who is ready for online growth in terms of traffic and turnover.

Not only do I notice results, sending newsletters is now also fun!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Mariko's online course "Email marketing for online entrepreneurs" is, as I am used to from all her courses, packed with information. Step by step, Mariko takes you through a beautiful and valuable design of a newsletter with very clear and clear explanations. All her tips and advice are immediately applicable! I am so happy with this course, not only do I notice results, but I also find sending newsletters so much more fun to do!

Revlie Schuit -


⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I'm busy with the course now, and haven't finished them yet. But only with all the information I get in the beginning and that I have applied, I already see a change. I even get sales coming in through the promos I put in email marketing. So this course is definitely recommended.

Melany -

Great to learn so much!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I was allowed to start with the completely renewed curses and man man, Mariko gives a lot of value and info! I'm far from done, but I've already learned so much and my newsletter already looks better and has improved so much in many other areas (leads, landing pages, house style, know your customer, etc.)!

Nine Bird Cauldron -

Clear and practical

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

For this I have followed a webinar or small courses at various companies. But with SYSO everything was clear and practical. This makes everything easy to follow and you don't lose a lot of time unnecessarily. The contact with Mariko is very pleasant and you always get a quick answer if you have any questions.

Sascha -

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the content of this course?

Everything you need to quickly convert more with your own effective newsletter system. This is -in a nutshell- the content of this tool, complete with videos and printable PDFs.

  • MODULE 1
    Email marketing basics
    1.1 What is email marketing?
    1.2 Why email marketing?
    1.3 When do you use email marketing?
  • MODULE 2
    Determine your ideal newsletter reader
    2.1 Your value proposition
    2.2 What is the goal?
    2.3 When do you use email marketing?
  • MODULE 3
    Get off to a good start
    3.1 Choose the email marketing software that suits you
    3.2 AVG/GDPR and what you need to know
    3.3 When do I SPAM?
    3.4 The layout of a converting newsletter
  • MODULE 4
    Provide irresistible content
    4.1 Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customer
    4.2 Ideas to write about (content)
    4.3 A super good subject line = KEY!
    4.4 Generic newsletter
    4.5 Event email
    4.6 Transactional Emails
  • MODULE 5
    Make a great lead magnet
    5.1 What is a lead magnet?
    5.2 Lead magnet type A - recruiting new leads
    5.3 Lead magnet type B - converts leads into customers
    5.4 Your own lead magnet step-by-step plan
    5.5 Examples of lead magnets
    5.6 A great landing page
  • MODULE 6
    Build and grow
    6.1 Create your own sales funnel
    6.2 Example 2 simple sales funnel
    6.3 Extra: example clear funnel series with action
    6.4 Recruit even more readers
    6.5 The easiest planning to start with
    6.6 Segmentation
  • MODULE 7
  • BONUS 1
    Nurture email series case study (days 1 to 50)
  • BONUS 2
    EXTRA - Send your first (renewed) newsletter step by step
    EXTRA - Newsletter do's and don'ts
    EXTRA - Grow your mailing list with social media
    EXTRA - 20% discount on Create your own mini course - online masterclass

The 'newsletter' has been around for so long, is this still the way to go?

The newsletter gives you ten (!) times more traffic than all social media combined. That's a lot, right?! Ten times! The strategy: around the newsletters, an entire year's communication is mapped out in four quarters. The newsletter fits perfectly into the sales funnel and provides good, structured communication with our customers and followers, generating traffic and turnover. Ten (!) times more traffic than all social media combined.

Maybe I should try to get more newsletter subscribers myself first...

That is of course possible, but this way it goes faster in a qualitative way and you are not alone.

Which software do I need?

It doesn't matter, as long as you have the ability to build a mailing list and create and plan/send a newsletter. Think of MailChimp, Mailerlite , Active Campaign, La Posta, etc., but you can also set up a very good news briefing system with Shopify Mail !

Is a newsletter really that important?

If you have an online store and want more involvement and turnover, then the answer is: yes. We know from our own experience that a well-oiled newsletter system can mean half of your turnover. Imagine!

Is this course only suitable for web shops with products?

Certainly not! The tool is suitable for any business, whether online or offline, selling products or services.

How long do I have access to this course?

You will have access as long as this tool is available (lifetime access).

Is this course also included in SYSO VIP?

Yes, if you choose SYSO VIP , you will have all SYSO tools at your disposal, including this tool.

After this course...

you send inspiring newsletters that your audience looks forward to time and time again

surprise and inspire your audience. You show expertise, create a bond and customers come back

do you sell without being salesy

do you know exactly when you can email what and to whom. Once and for all!

you are no longer dependent on social media (HOW cool is that?!)

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Nieuwsbrief had ik onderschat

Het maken van een nieuwsbrief had nooit mijn prioriteit maar wat ben ik blij dat ik er mee ben begonnen! Ik kan er veel creativiteit in kwijt en door het volgen van de E-mail marketing online cursus ben ik er gemotiveerd en geïnspireerd geraakt. Dus bij deze ook echt een dankjewel naar jou Mariko, je inspiratie en motivatie via het programma helpen mij echt enorm om te groeien!

Revlie Schuit,
ik merk niet alleen resultaat, maar vind het versturen van nieuwsbrieven nu ook zoveel leuker om ...

De online cursus "Email marketing voor online ondernemers" van Mariko staat, zoals ik van al haar cursussen gewend ben, mega tjokvol informatie. Stap voor stap neemt Mariko je mee naar een mooie en waardevolle opzet van een nieuwsbrief met heel duidelijke en heldere uitleg. Al haar tips en adviezen zijn gewoon direct toepasbaar! Ik ben zo blij met deze cursus, ik merk niet alleen resultaat, maar vind het versturen van nieuwsbrieven nu ook zoveel leuker om te doen!


Via een collega ondernemer ben ik Mariko gaan volgen. Ik dacht echt: heb je er weer één die alles op gaat zitten lezen en dan met een mega dure aanbieding komt. Ik had het mis. Na een paar gratis masterclasses begon ik met een 'kleine, betaalde masterclass'. De tips die gegeven worden zijn echt inspirerend en helder. Je kunt ze zo toepassen en aan de gang. Uiteindelijk heb ik me ingeschreven voor de emailmarketing cursus en ook het content coach programma. Je hoeft alleen maar stap voor stap de modules te volgen en het toe te passen op jouw eigen webshop. Ook de tips die in de Facebookgroepen gegeven worden zijn direct toepasbaar. Zo heb ik voor het eerst een (verhuis) flash sale gehouden en was dit een daverend succes! Ik ben nog niet klaar want 2 cursussen tegelijk volgen gaan niet samen met een grote verhuizing maar bij iedere tip van Mariko wordt ik weer blij!

Alleen het begin

Ik ben nu druk bezig met de cursus, en heb hen nog niet afgerond. Maar alleen met alle info die ik in het begin krijg en die ik heb toegepast zie ik al een verandering. Ik krijg zelfs verkoop die binnenkomen via de promos die ik in de e-mail marketing plaatst. Dus deze cursus is zeker een aanrader.

Nine Vogel-Ketel
Super om zoveel te leren!

Ik mocht beginnen met de geheel vernieuwde curses en man man, wat geeft Mariko veel waarde en info! ben nog lang niet klaar, maar heb nu al zoveel geleerd en mijn nieuwsbrief ziet er al beter uit en op veel andere gebieden (leads, landingspagina's, huisstijl, ken je klant enz) al zoveel verbeterd!

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