Applause from our customers

Our mission is to make marketing, branding and e-commerce accessible and, above all, fun. No one better than our own customers can tell you about this.

Do you want to tell your own story? Please! You can leave your review with us using the link below or email us. Many thanks in advance for this!

I was immediately sold

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The new branding is great! It's beautiful and cheerful, but not childish. I can go in many directions with it. During the intake we discussed what I would like for branding. I found it very difficult to put into words, but Mariko understood me immediately. She also quickly came up with the new logo that she designed, and I was immediately sold. So nice!

Mai -


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I initially hesitated to have the branding done by SYSO, because I found most branding designs too cozy, I didn't doubt their abilities, but more whether they would fit my brand. That doubt has been completely removed by looking at designs from Loaded ink (Mark and Mariko's branding agency). Communication with Mariko is nice, not rushed or rushed. The presentations are clear and I really saw the translation of my questions.

Gitte van Helvoirt -

Stephanie -

My logo is even more beautiful than I could have imagined

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I am so very happy with the result, it is even more beautiful than I could have imagined. Received a lot of comments that it looks so good and professional and really suits Hippy. I also feel better as a company because of this, I can be there, it really stands out and I'm super proud! With the DIY Shopify course I built a new webshop so that I could get off to a good start with my brand new branding. With some help from Mariko here and there, the webshop is also shining and it is going very well. It's quite an investment as a small business owner and I really had to think about it, but is it worth it? hell yes!

Stephanie -

I wanted that too!

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I missed the right look and feel for my webshop, it had grown out of the homemade jacket. I've been following Sell your stuff for a while and saw the most beautiful branding projects from others. I wanted that too! And it immediately felt good with Mariko, she is a real professional and knew how to connect well with what I had in mind.

Rachelle Marks -

No quick, smooth talk but structure, peace and confidence

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I experience the collaboration with Mariko from Sell your stuff online as very pleasant. No fast, smooth talk, but structure, peace and trust. Also an occasional pep talk. She first tries to get a good idea of ​​what I feel comfortable with and then she bases her ideas on that. She took me step by step through the development. The end result is a webshop that suits me, feels good and works well. All this means that I will definitely recommend SYSO.

Maaike -

I found the collaboration very pleasant and relaxed

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Mariko is someone who has had his feet in the clay herself (with Applepiepieces) that is the most important reason for me, someone who knows what she is talking about. It was good for me that someone with a distance, but still interested in the same thing (Japan) looked at the branding. And that was, as expected, apple egg! And, not unimportantly, Sell your stuff online has already delivered many beautiful projects. I found the collaboration very pleasant and relaxed, there was quite a bit of work to do but it all went very smoothly!

Ingrid Beijer -

Shopify webshop construction

Mariko is a professional who keeps promises

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Shopify is built on all fronts for more orders and a higher order value. I already notice that. Furthermore, the system is dummy-proof and that is also very nice.

Mariko is a professional who keeps agreements and with whom you can respond quickly. She does what she promises and more. And if things go wrong, she is always there to help you. Even if the webshop has already been delivered. Where do you still find that?

Susanne -

This is not a cheap ass sales pitch

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I definitely recommend SYSO. This is not a cheap ass sales pitch, but at SYSO you have come to the right place if your webshop could use a boost, or if you are starting from scratch, just like me. I personally really liked the communication, short lines and Mariko has the right advice for everything thanks to her knowledge.

Charlotte -

Silke Gertsen -

I'm super happy!

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Mariko and her team built a great webshop for me and helped me enormously with everything behind the scenes, because I really had very little understanding of that. I did take the course with which I learned to build the web hop myself, so that I now know how my Shopify shop works. I can now make changes myself. Where I get stuck, I can always turn to Mariko and I am quickly helped on my way again. In short: I'm super happy with the switch to Shopify and just as happy with the help from Sell your stuff online!

Silke Gersten -

Mariko thinks along with you

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I have “known” Mariko since Applepiepieces, where the items sometimes/also had a kawaii atmosphere. When you stopped, I continued to follow you and attended several master classes, and also went to the Make it Happen live day in The Hague! Super fun and interesting. It is nice to take on such a project with someone with the same experience and at the same level. Mariko thinks along with you and puts herself in the customer's shoes, so that together you are sure to achieve a great end result!

Marjet -

Yes, SYSO is a must!

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In the past I had a website built by another party, but I really missed the thinking, explanation and service. That is important to me and that the explanation of my ideas about what the site should radiate is properly translated. I am also very happy with my new logo and it was Mariko who indicated that it would be good if I would use my own name for my company. Exciting but also very glad I did!

Danielle Balfoort -

Kim Heemskerk -

It was exactly what I was looking for

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I really really liked the collaboration. It was so clear that everyone at SYSO really puts in a bit of effort to understand your company and mission and build a site from there. It definitely didn't feel like 'just another transaction' where you are the umpteenth site being turned off, but really like a true collaboration. That's exactly what I was looking for.

Kim Heemskerk -

Without SYSO I certainly would not have come as far as now

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Everything was to your liking because after the intake Mariko understands very well how someone works and what goes with it. I am happy with the result. Switching to a clearer niche was also the best choice ever. The webshop fits me perfectly and now sells so much better than before. The new webshop went live on 2 December. 14 days later Suzanne already had more than 1/3 of the annual turnover of the year before and the numbers are still rising.

Suzanne Weltens -

Very nice collaboration

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Mariko really understands her profession, she thinks along and is very enthusiastic. This affects you more and makes you more likely to see the opportunities that exist. Mariko also likes to share her knowledge, you can spar well with her and you notice that she has your best interests at heart. All this meant that we looked forward to her conversations and had a very pleasant collaboration. Thank you Mariko!

Rianne and Greet -

It turned out beautiful!

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I first started following SYSO on social media about 10 years ago. Later bought her book and took several courses with Mariko. Mariko also had another website pimped up and everything went very well. Mariko does what she promises and more! It therefore felt good to enlist her help with the relocation and design of the shop. She did not disappoint us. It turned out beautiful!

Sabrina and Patricia -

Courses, programs and SYSO VIP

Thanks to Mariko I was able to quit my salaried job

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Started with a Newsletter course and then went through all the content coach programs. So stay that I did. I can safely say: if I hadn't followed this, I wouldn't have been able to quit my salaried job. I now work full-time on Jewels with Flair and I really enjoy working on my newsletter. A big difference from the beginning, when I kept thinking...what should I do in my Mail with Flair now? Thank you Mariko! I'm curious what you and Happlify will bring :)

Erlinde Kramer -

I really thought: do you have another one

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I started following Mariko through a fellow entrepreneur. I really thought: do you have another one that will sit down and read everything and then come up with a mega expensive offer. I was wrong. After a few free masterclasses, I started with a 'small, paid masterclass'. The tips that are given are really inspiring and clear. You can apply them right away and get going. Eventually I signed up for the email marketing course and also the content coach program. You just have to follow the modules step by step and apply it to your own webshop. The tips given in the Facebook groups are also directly applicable. For example, I held a (moving) flash sale for the first time and it was a resounding success! Every tip from Mariko makes me happy again!

Annemarie van de Bunt -

It works great!

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For a slightly chaotic person like me, the weekly emails are a good stick to get started with the content for my webshop. Everything is explained in clear language and you are provided with useful tools. The Student Hang-out and the live question hour are great for asking your questions. You not only learn from Mariko, but also from your colleagues. The atmosphere in the Hang-out is also good, everyone is always very helpful. In short: do you always struggle with being and staying visible? That is really recommended!

Kirsten Oosterwaal -

Miranda Duijndam -

I immediately had a good feeling with Mariko

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Beforehand, I had the wish that Boef en Aap's house style would suit me as a person. Creative, stubborn and adventurous. See for yourself, I think it worked! I came across SYSO via social media and started following Mariko's Q&As in the Facebook insiders group. I immediately had a good feeling with Mariko and was pleased that she could offer a complete package. Both the website and the branding. But I also started following SYSO's content coaching program. This complete picture ensures that I can step into the world with my mission and company with a certain feeling.

Miranda Duijndam

Work smarter and more fun!

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How great is the Content coach program! Mariko gives a lot of tips and tools to work smarter. Do more in less time, do more that works! Handhold and a stick behind the door through weekly emails and schedules and lots of fun inspiration. The program leaves room for you to define it yourself, but also ensures that you sail the right course and can achieve so much more :)

Jodie Grootswagers -

Wendy Reins -

Not only suitable for webshop owners!

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Not only suitable for webshop owners, but also very suitable for other industries. I have already followed several programs at Sell Your Stuff Online and always full of enthusiasm! Mariko is driven, very competent and very personal. It's like she's standing next to you, guiding you where you want to go with your business. Whether this concerns the use of Social Media or general marketing, the approach to your target group, it does not matter. There is a lot of live contact possible to ask questions and spar with other participants in a program. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to take a step with his or her company!

Wendy Reins -

Would you like to tell your own story? Please!

You can leave your review with us using the link below or email us. Many thanks in advance for this!