Hoe wapen je je webshop tegen een crisis? - gastblog voor Webwinkelkeur

How do you arm your webshop against a crisis? - guest blog for Webwinkelkeur

Of course you can't just say that a crisis might be coming, but there are already some harbingers that we just can't ignore. The arrival of the coronavirus is speeding up the process considerably. Is a crisis in itself bad? Yes and no. Yes, because it generally hinders your turnover and growth. No, because it also makes you razor sharp again. Moreover, we are subject to economic cycles – wave movements, (business) life is a process with ups and downs.

But it's strange how things sometimes work out. Sometime in February, the webinar 'How do you arm against the crisis' at Sell your stuff was scheduled online and now we are in the middle of the corona crisis. Another crisis, but a crisis remains a crisis. How can you deal with that? What are others doing? What can you do to survive? This and more, I cover it all with many recent examples from the webinar: How do you arm yourself against the crisis . To give you an idea of the scope, here are some insights and tips for you.

Findings of the corona crisis

It happened within a few weeks. On February 27, 2020, the first official infection in our country was announced. Unfortunately, the first corona patient died on March 6. On March 9, we stopped shaking hands. From March 15, the schools closed and many people now work from home. What does this situation do to 'enterprise'? A lot, but in a nutshell we kind of experienced this:

  • it puts both feet on the ground . Happiness is rediscovered in the little things. Daily things that we previously took for granted and can no longer do, that is now desired,
  • online is becoming a necessity . Brick shops that do not yet have a webshop would do well to build one quickly (or have it built). Webshops can now take big steps!
  • it exposes flexibility . The true entrepreneurial entrepreneur is characterized by showing that he/she can adapt to a new reality,
  • so it forces you to 'think' . For example: restaurants make delicious takeaway menus and you can buy directly from local farmers on the side of the yard,
  • it connects in so many ways . We help each other, the most beautiful initiatives are up NOW! Moreover, we are in the same kind of boat with the whole world. That gives a whole new look at the countries around us, at our own society and at how everyone deals with it. But above all it gives a feeling of a new 'unity'.

More crisis

Read here the other insights, tips in the complete article How do you arm your webshop against a crisis? on Webwinkelkeur. WebwinkelKeur Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization that combines the power of an independent quality mark with customer experiences.

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