Valentijnsdag tips & tricks voor je webshop of online onderneming

Valentine's Day tips & tricks for your webshop or online business

In some ways it is a nice idea that you can 'get through' the gray hangover month of January by preparing a brilliant Valentine's Day campaign for your webshop. And yes, (almost) every online business, whether you sell products through your webshop or services as a coach, can do 'something' with Valentine's Day. Because whether you create a complete Valentine's Day gift guide, give a discount on the day itself or set up a competition... it's all possible on February 14 and you'll be 'on top of mind' again.

Valentine's Day figures

We'll start with some figures because... measuring is knowing, right?!
A lot of Valentine's cards are sent, but every year more is done about this loving day. Here's a handy overview.

So, how do you make the most of Valentine's Day with your webshop / online business? Below are some tips.

1 - Create a Valentine's Day gift guide

This really sounds much more difficult than it is, a gift guide does not have to be more or less than a Valentine's Day category. For example, a page where you only put gifts/products that belong to this topic. Think broadly, for example, think of all products that are pink or red. Products with hearts, rings, necklaces, bracelets, but they can also be products that you may not immediately think of, as long as they can be given as a gift and as long as they radiate something sweet, love, friendship and/or gratitude. It could even be a mug or warm scarf if you look at it that way.

2 - Send something to your customers on the day itself

The simplest action is to send a good newsletter to your customers on the day itself, February 14. Many companies offer a discount that day, the most commonly given discount is 14%.

You can also get away with just a sweet Valentine's Day greeting, but expect little to no sales from it. That's just an 'image supporting' message/action.

3 - The Valentine's Day giveaway

Don't feel like going into discount mode again? I understand. Then go for a (simple) competition! Why?

  • It will take you relatively little time, because the promotion itself can be set up very simply
  • you engage in customer loyalty
  • a clear action creates commitment
  • and if all goes well, new followers (= brand awareness)

In this case I would focus on Instagram. You can see below how easily a Valentine's Day competition can be announced, this is a newsletter from A Beautiful Story.

4 - Sell Valentine's Day products

A complete collection with only Valentine's Day-related items is of course nice (but not feasible for everyone). Think: mugs, cards, jewelry with hearts, special chocolate, a course about relationships, etc. But matchy-matchy works too! Think of matching couple sets such as these nice Boyfriend & Bae sweaters.

5 - Include a Valentine's Day card with every order

A card from you to the customer is sweet and fun, but a blank card that the customer can send himself (saves another trip to the store) is perhaps just as thoughtful. Maybe you can even have one printed in line with your branding. Don't make a point about your promotion there, but keep it subtle. Win win!

6 - Also think about singles

Because... not everyone has a relationship or someone in mind. And then Valentine's Day is probably very annoying, so you can also respond to that along the lines of: "Screw Valentine's Day and treat yourself!"

7 - The day after

Nothing sucks on a day like that as expecting something and getting nothing. 'The day after' can therefore be quite a hangover. Also in this case the message can be: "Screw Valentine's Day and treat yourself!" perform miracles ;-)

Shall I help you?

In the Content coach program, a complete Valentine's Day campaign has been mapped out and described, including dates and even more tips. Moreover, I (Mariko) am often live every week to help the participants with their marketing.

Do you want that too?
Then join the Content coach program and provide effective content that generates sales. Click here for more information or check the free demo of the program 🤫

8 - Valentine's Day inspiration

One last tip: the Valentine's Day inspiration board , full of inspiration for beautiful content and a fun campaign style. Good luck!!

Valentine's Day inspiration

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