Wat is evergreen content en waarom heb je dat nodig?

What is evergreen content and why do you need it?

Evergreen content is content on your website or webshop that remains relevant for your audience for a long time. This distinguishes it from normal content (product introductions, promotions, event announcements, current affairs and other temporary matters). Because evergreen content remains relevant for years, it is therefore not only interesting for your audience, but also for search engines such as Google.

👍 The benefits of evergreen content

  • It contains basic information about your brand, website or shop, topic or services.
  • Once that information is available, you can always refer to it very easily and your audience immediately understands what your brand stands for.
  • Evergreen content can be revisited every so often. Sometimes this closes a gap in your schedule. Also useful.

👎 The disadvantages of evergreen content

No. Well, maybe it will take you a little while to make it. But that's it!

Examples of evergreen content

blog posts

  • Explain the origin of your webshop or brand, such as here: About
  • Timeless blog post with your brand manifesto (+ lead magnet): Spread kindness like confetti. Are you in?
  • How to's , think of recipes, how to make something yourself or how to keep the products you sell beautiful (jewelry, clothing, etc.)
  • Frequently Asked Questions : This is where you can include all the questions you get the most from customers or followers. You can then refer to this when you attract new customers. This can also be your FAQ page
  • Explanation of jargon , materials, source lists or technical terms: every industry has its own jargon and you will therefore regularly use terms that are unknown to your customer or reader. By turning a resource or glossary into a blog or page on your website, you can prevent recurring questions and keep people with questions on your own website - instead of Googling them. For example this article!

social media

You can also create evergreen content for social media. Think of material that you can always share and that shows your branding, tone of voice and mission. At SYSO, for example, we have a thick folder full of material from our courses and programs that we can always place between posts. But also general content with our mission, completely in our house style of course.

Stories, once saved as highlights, can link well to your evergreen blog posts or evergreen products, like here .

Can you spot the evergreen content below?

Do you want to learn how to create really good content?

A good blog post is the ultimate starting point for your content marketing. You inspire your (potential) customer in a 'natural' way, you show your expertise and it is extremely good for your findability in Google (SEO). Click through to learn more about business blogging . Are you looking for your own solid content marketing system? Then do the Content coach program . Can't choose and do you want both or... just everything you can learn at SYSO? Then go ahead SYSO VIP .

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