Een blije klant koopt meer - 4 handige tips

A happy customer buys more - 4 useful tips

The customer journey is the path that your potential customer takes from the moment he or she comes into contact with your company, product or service to the moment of the order. If you understand this journey and make it as easy and fun as possible, there is a greater chance that people will actually order.

Now recent research has shown that the customer must be very positive during that customer journey. Because if that is not the case, there is a good chance that the order will be canceled by the customer. And even though that seems like a huge 'buyer', there are quite a few things that can frustrate a customer and you don't want that :-)

“When customers experience positive emotions when shopping, they buy more and more often. In the checkout, for example, consumers experience a lot of negative emotions. Nearly half say they feel frustration, impatience or boredom while entering data. While paying, more than a fifth feel guilty or regret it," said Klarna, who has investigated this. Klarna obviously benefits from this, because paying afterwards is their hobbyhorse. I understand.

But besides that your impatience may partly be solved by paying afterwards, what else could you do to make the experience in your webshop as fun and positive as possible? Here are four super handy tips that you can apply right away!

TIP 1 - Make it fun with microcopy

Ever heard of 'microcopy'? Microcopy are the small texts that you find in your webshop, among other things. Texts on buttons, at the option for your newsletter, in popups, cookie notifications, menu bars, etc. Those pieces of text seem insignificant, but they can make a world of difference.

A good example is the cookie notification at the Applepiepieces webshop: “In addition to apple pie, we also have cookies…” or the 'Yes, count me in' button when registering a course instead of the bone-dry 'Order here'.

Microcopy is the declarant, they are texts that help to seduce and entertain the customer. Microcopy heats up, the order button closes the deal. How? By making it light-hearted, being helpful and removing doubt.

TIP 2 - Make finding a desired product easy

Suppose your target audience consists mainly of women. Then she is super inspired and happy to find an item she likes. It is therefore very important that you make it easy in your shop to help her find what she is looking for! This way you keep her as happy and positive as possible. How?

  • with a super clear navigation (under your logo, at the top of the page) that leaves nothing to chance. Clearly structured
  • well organized categories . Think not only of practical product categories such as 'bracelet, necklace, earrings', but also of 'color, size, meaning, occasion, new, sale, etc. as long as it fits your target group and it is all clearly findable
  • use gift guide(s) . That is a category that you put together for big sales moments such as Christmas, Sinterklaas and holidays in general. Usually you also design the Gift Guide and you can also divide it into gifts for him, her, mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, children, etc. etc.

TIP 3 - Take a critical test drive

Make sure to check out as smooth as possible. In other words, as easily and quickly as possible with as few details and steps as possible to fill in! And fun too. Maybe you can update the checkout:

  • make 'you' everywhere ' you ' anyway
  • Use positive microcopy here as much as possible
  • give presents in the checkout, surprise with a little extra to keep the positive emotions
  • offers many (and always safe) payment options anyway!

Not sure if the checkout works well, try placing an order with yourself. Try to be objective. Doesn't work? Team up with a friendly webshop, you order there and vice versa. Then, over a cup of coffee, discuss how the process came across to both of them. Guaranteed to help you!

TIP 4 - Loyalty is key

When receiving the order confirmation, there is desire, joy and relief. Make it happen! Make a party of the package. I personally recommend a boring exterior with a splashing party in the package itself! Preferably complete in the branding of the webshop, colored tissue paper, beautiful closing sticker, glitter, confetti, wrapped, with cards, a handwritten note, candy, gift and a discount voucher for the next order. Make it as crazy as you want. Remember: the greater the pleasant surprise for the customer and the more positive the emotion: the faster he or she wants to experience that same feeling again. And that is the beginning of a new, loyal, happy(!), returning customer.

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