Help, wat moet ik met het DMARC-record?!

Help, what should I do with the DMARC record?!

As a Shopify merchant, you have probably also received an email about the DMARC record. So we almost have a quartet after the Wildcard :) Anyway, don't panic, it's not a big deal to adjust. Well, if you don't do it, Yahoo and Gmail will no longer accept emails sent from your webshop. Another extra security.

The message from Shopify is therefore: add a DMARC record to continue sending emails from your domain.

Why is that necessary?

Gmail and Yahoo have announced changes that will require you to add a DMARC record to your domain by February 1, 2024 if you want to continue sending emails from your own work email address.

Your emails are currently being sent from (as far as Happlify is concerned, you have a different sender email address of course) and we have detected that your domain does not contain a DMARC record.

If you take no action, we will change the sender email address to to meet the minimum requirements so that you can continue sending emails to customers without interruption.

How do you do that?

STEP 1 - First make sure that your email address is DKIM verified and check that here: Shopify admin > Settings > Notifications.

STEP 2 - Add a TXT record in the DNS at your domain host, see our values ​​below. Do you find that difficult yourself? Please contact your domain host (such as Hostnet ) and ask if they can help you with this.

The specific DMARC value you should set for your Shopify domain depends on your own security needs and email strategy. A DMARC record looks something like this:

v=DMARC1; p=none;

Herein is:

  • v=DMARC1 the version of the DMARC specification.
  • p=none the policy that specifies how recipients of email that fails DMARC checks should act. none means no action is taken, but you can set this to quarantine to quarantine messages or reject to reject them.
  • the address to send DMARC aggregation reports to.

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