Het succesverhaal van webshop Little Suzies op WebwinkelKeur

The success story of webshop Little Suzies on WebwinkelKeur

We recently worked with our branding agency Loaded ink to the visual identity of WebwinkelKeur . That is a lot of fun to do and there is a lot involved, more about this later. As a result of this work, I regularly highlight a webshop entrepreneur on the WebwinkelKeur blog who is both a Sell your stuff online customer and a WebwinkelKeur member. This time it's Suzanne from Little Suzies' turn.

Are you curious about how other webshop entrepreneurs do it? Why are they WebwinkelKeur members and what do they do to be visible and (at least as important) to remain visible? At WebwinkelKeur we put entrepreneurs in the spotlight, on the homepage and here on the blog. This interview focuses on Suzanne, the entrepreneur behind the cheerful earrings webshop Little Suzies . You get a look behind the scenes. Learn from Suzanne's experiences and tips and discover how you too can run a successful webshop.

👉 Read more quickly the WebwinkelKeur blog

1/3 of annual turnover in 14 days!

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Everything was as desired because after the intake Mariko understands very well how someone works and what fits with that. I am happy with the result. The switch to a clearer niche was also the best choice ever. The webshop suits me perfectly and now sells so much better than before. The new webshop went live on December 2. 14 days later Suzanne had already achieved more than 1/3 of the annual turnover of the year before and the figures are still rising. I recommend a Golden ticket to everyone!

Suzanne - Littlesuzies.nl

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