Facebook en Instagram moeten stoppen met persoonlijke advertenties binnen Europa

Facebook and Instagram must stop personal advertisements within Europe

“Meta keeps track of what you post, click or like on Facebook and Instagram and uses that information to offer personalized advertisements,” says Aleid Wolfsen of the EDPB. "The wrongful processing of the personal information of millions of people on Facebook is a revenue model for Meta. By putting an end to this, people's privacy is better protected."

Meta must take measures within two weeks to ensure that social media comply with the ban. Read the entire article here

What does that mean?

This means that advertisements on Facebook and Instagram can be much less tailored to your target group. And that means that you have to pay (much?) more money for the same result.

What can you do now?

Relax, the soup is never eaten that hot, fortunately. Something must be arranged within two weeks, but that does not necessarily mean that the changes will be implemented immediately. Imagine. But if you already want to do something and prepare, I have a few good tips here.

  • quickly set up an ads campaign that allows you to target your target group very precisely and attract newsletter readers

  • join a growing shopping guide like Happlify

  • create a good strategy for 2024 that takes this into account. Useful! Because that's what we do during the first season kickstart with SYSO VIP, are you there ?

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