This time a nice extensive case study, and to think that it is not even complete yet. The packaging is still being printed as we speak. This case study is about Ivy & Loulou , a new 'natural play makeup' brand that focuses mainly on children. SYSO was brought in to build the brand from the ground up. Now I think almost all projects we get to do are a party, but this was literally one of them, complete with confetti, bright colors and a very cheerful logo!
It took a while, especially because the product was composed entirely by owners Rachelle and Folker. The make-up itself had to be 'junk-free' on all fronts, including the packaging (paper). Of course, everything must first be extensively tested and inspected before it can be used can enter the market. Believe me, this requires a lot of laboratory sessions.
SYSO got to work on the design of the branding , webshop and all the packaging design. We also contributed to the name of the brand 'Ivy & Loulou' and the color names of the first four products: Moonlight silver, Fairydust gold, Lollypop pink and Butterfly blue.
Who is Ivy & Loulou?
Ivy & Loulou make-up is 100% natural and vegan and contains no chemicals, microplastics or allergens. The brand new brand believes that play makeup should be absolutely safe to use, so your child can have fun without you having to worry about ingredients. You can read the reasons behind this in detail on the Ivy & Loulou about page .
After determining the core values, the target group and the purpose of the brand, the branding project was started. As indicated above, we worked hard on the name of the brand. You can read what you should consider when choosing a company name here: 6 Tips for choosing a good company name .
After finding the name and analyzing the market, the design process started. The logo is playfully designed with a lot of color variation and minimalist characters that can be found throughout the branding. They jump around happily in the webshop, as animation on social media and also on the packaging.
We were also asked to develop the packaging for this brand. First the four small paper pots and now various package packaging has also been made, which I would like to show you as soon as possible. If a package is small, the puzzle for the designer is large and so in this case. There is so much mandatory information that you have to process that there is a good chance that the function will 'overwhelm' the form, as it were. Fortunately, Mark has solved the puzzle skillfully and the packaging is all gems.

Online store
A new brand naturally requires a website, and in this case an online shop. One that works for both consumers (B2C) and purchasing retailers (B2B). This can easily be arranged with Shopify and a good app. The webshop is of course completely designed in the cheerful branding and is easy to use for Rachelle and Folker.

We asked Rachelle and Folker from Ivy & Loulou a few questions
Why did you start Ivy & Loulou?
Our hearts have been beating faster for years because of beautiful, natural products for families with (young) children. We have noticed that not everything we are looking for can be found, or that what is already on the market does not quite meet the quality or standard you would expect from a sustainable and natural product. So we decided to develop these products ourselves under our own brand. We started with something that makes the most sense with two young daughters: natural play makeup!
What do you like most about your products?
That we show that sustainable and natural can also be fun! The branding of Ivy & Loulou really radiates this.
What made you decide to hire SYSO?
There is a lot to consider when starting your own brand and SYSO offers a complete package. We were not only helped with branding, but also with coming up with names, building our Shopify webshop, designing our packaging and we received many valuable marketing tips. In addition, we have previously worked with Mariko, and are very satisfied with what came out of her creative brain. So the choice for SYSO was quickly made.
Are you happy and what have you achieved as a result with the new brand so far?
We've really only just started launching Ivy & Loulou, and it's already being extremely well received! So we are certainly happy with the first results and will continue with confidence.
May we ask you what Ivy & Loulou's future plans are?
Thank you!
Thank you for this exciting adventure. We had a lot of fun working on this again. It was great to see how dedicatedly you have built this brand from scratch and have not made any concessions when it comes to quality. Compliments for this. It has become a beautiful product that will make many children very happy. It will undoubtedly be a great success. Have fun growing Ivy & Loulou, we will continue to follow!