Casestudy: Nei voor Mij branding

Case study: Nei voor Me branding

Buying curtains should be easy, fun and affordable, that is Echtgrond's mission. And SYSO was allowed to make this even better visually through a restyling. Are you watching?

You can request free samples from Echtgrond to see and feel the fabric beforehand. If desired, you will also be advised online about the hanging method and folding method. This makes shopping for curtains online as good as a real experience. And that's great because it allows Echtgrond to offer competitive prices. This is also because they purchase the substances as much as possible from the producers themselves. In short, a nice, high-quality company that was ready for a professional rebranding by SYSO last year.

Real curtain Instagram

With a branding project we always first have a conversation, then an online intake (questionnaire form) and then we create a mood board. We discuss this mood board with the customer, remove what is less appealing and add where necessary. Ultimately, a nice visual starting point is created and we get to work.


The result for Echtdoek is a fresh new logo, color palette, brand board and in this case supplemented with a number of corporate identity elements such as a series of custom pictograms, an A6 card, envelope, website layout, newsletter template and e-mail signature.

Real curtain logo restyling

We asked Milou van Nei for Me a few questions

What do you think is the best product (category) from your range?

My preference is (Belgian) linen . An honest product with a beautiful irregular structure. Of course not cheap, but then you have a product that really comes from our region! We have inbetween fabrics and denser curtain fabrics.

Custom curtains

What made you decide to hire SYSO?

The previous version of logo and site was very 'self-made/invented'. And that was fine, but I thought it was time to have someone with a graphic background look at it. The goal was not a metamorphosis but a logical fresh/modern sequel a la 2022. It is very difficult to express what you want/don't want in very concrete terms, but actually the feeling was very good from the first design!

Are you happy and what have you achieved as a result with your new branding so far?

Yes, the appearance of the website and the additional corporate identity, etc., is now much more coordinated and really fresher! I don't want a 'girly' look that is too light, and I want some more color, and that turned out nicely. Some adjustments have been made along the way, but I think the original look & feel has remained intact. We can now continue to develop certain parts ourselves. This works well with the help of the fire board made by SYSO.

May we know what your future plans are?

Work on images behind the fabrics and use e-mail marketing further.

Would you recommend SYSO?

Yes, I definitely recommend SYSO!

Real curtain brand board

Thank you!

Mark and I enjoyed working on this. We were able to quickly delve deeper because you already knew very well what you wanted . Thanks to your critical view and openness, we have arrived at an end result that you are extremely satisfied with and that is exactly what it is all about! You happy, we happy. Good luck with your refreshed and radiant new Real Curtain that you can now use for years to come!

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