Bloggen voor je webshop: de gids + do's en don'ts 2024

Blogging for your webshop: the guide + do's and don'ts 2024

Blogging is actually indispensable for the success of your SME webshop. Not only does it improve your website's SEO, but it also helps you build a relationship with your customers. A well-structured blog post can make the difference between a browsing visitor and a loyal customer. But how do you ensure that your blog posts are effective?

Here are the four most important things listed for you when it comes to a good blog post. You will receive additional pro tips and a large list of (old) don'ts. Bookmark this article and take advantage of it!

1 - The length of your blog post

The ideal length of a blog post depends on your purpose and audience. For (SME) web shops, a length of 700 to 2000 words is ideal. Longer posts are effective for in-depth topics and contribute to better SEO rankings. Shorter posts are suitable for lighter topics and frequent updates.

2 - Crucial elements of a blog post

  1. Attractive title : Your title should be catchy, curious and SEO-friendly. Use relevant keywords that your target group is looking for.
  2. Introduction : Grab attention with an intriguing introduction. Ask a question or present an interesting fact that is relevant to your target group.
  3. Clear structure : Use headings, subheadings, bullet points and paragraphs to make your content clear.
  4. Relevant images : Visual content increases engagement. Make sure your images are relevant and of high quality.
  5. Call-to-Action (CTA) : End each blog post with one CTA that urges the reader to take action, such as signing up for a newsletter or checking out a product.

3 - Number and types of links

Use 2-5 internal links that point to your own products or other blog posts. In addition, 2-3 external links to reliable sources, such as Wikipedia, can strengthen the credibility of your post. Wikipedia is a well-known source for factual and general information and can provide additional context or explanation. Make sure that the links to Wikipedia are relevant and do not take the focus away from your own content and CTAs.

Use Wikipedia links for SEO

4 - The AIDA model

An effective way to structure your blog post is via the AIDA model :

  • Attention : Grab attention with a powerful headline/title and a compelling first paragraph.
  • Interest : Create interest by discussing relevant problems or needs of your target group.
  • Desire : Create a desire by emphasizing the benefits of your products or services.
  • Action : End with a strong CTA that encourages the reader to take action.

Extra pro blogging tips

  1. Use of keywords : Dig deeper into the importance of keyword research. Explain how you can find relevant keywords and strategically integrate them into your blog posts without exaggerating (keyword stuffing).

  2. Interaction with readers : Encourage interaction. Discuss the importance of responding to comments under your blog posts and how this can strengthen engagement and the community around your brand.

  3. Use of analytics : Explain how you can monitor the performance of your blog posts using tools such as Google Analytics. Discuss how you can use this data to improve your content strategy.

  4. Content planning : The importance of a content calendar can be a useful addition. Explain how posting regularly and planning topics ahead can help keep the blog consistent and your audience engaged.

  5. Blog Post Promotion : Discuss how you can promote your blog posts through social media, newsletters, and other channels to increase reach.

Blogging, the don'ts

It's important that you're familiar with the 'don'ts' of blogging for an online store, especially because what used to be effective may no longer work. Here is a list of things you should avoid:

  1. Outdated SEO practices : Avoid keyword stuffing and buying backlinks. These tactics are now being recognized by search engines like Google and can hurt your rankings.

  2. Articles that are too short : While there is no hard and fast rule for blog post length, it is important to provide enough content to deliver value. Articles that are too short (less than 300 words) often do not provide enough depth and are less appreciated by search engines.

  3. Ignoring mobile-friendliness : With the increasing use of mobile devices, it is essential that your blog is mobile-friendly. A poor mobile experience can turn off readers and potential customers.

  4. Too much jargon : While industry-specific terminology is sometimes necessary, too much jargon can make your blog inaccessible to a broader audience. Keep the text readable and understandable.

  5. Non-engaging content : Avoid publishing boring or irrelevant content. Your blog should be interesting, informative and relevant to your target group.

  6. Ignoring Meta Descriptions and Titles : Every blog post should have an attractive title and compelling meta description optimized with relevant keywords. This not only improves SEO, but also increases the likelihood of people clicking through.

  7. Inconsistent posting : An irregular publishing schedule can confuse and reduce your readership. Determine a feasible publishing schedule and stick to it.

  8. Not responding to comments : Interacting with your readers by responding to comments can build a community around your brand. Ignoring these interactions can be a missed opportunity to build relationships.

  9. Excessive self-promotion : Although the purpose of an online store blog is to sell products, the focus should be on providing value to the reader. Too much direct sales talk can put readers off.

  10. No Clear Call-to-Action : Every blog post should contain a clear call-to-action (CTA). Without a clear CTA, you may miss the opportunity to convert readers into customers.

By avoiding these don'ts, you can develop a more effective blogging strategy that improves your online store's visibility and builds a loyal readership.

Long story short

Blogging is a powerful tool for your SME webshop to increase reach, strengthen the brand and improve SEO. A perfect blog post is well-structured, SEO-optimized, informative, and engaging. By integrating the AIDA model and strategic links, including to Wikipedia, into your blogs, you can not only capture the attention of your readers, but also encourage them to take action. Start strengthening your digital presence through effective blogging today!

Did you know that our Blogging for Entrepreneurs course is available if you are a SYSO VIP ?

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Whether you have yet to start or restart, we build web shops that you will fall in love with. We like to call that 'love brands'. You can contact SYSO for branding , webshop construction and business coaching . This together is our Golden ticket , which means you are covered from head to toe and your company is rock solid.

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